Sunday, June 20, 2010

More evidence for Chameleons Montessori EHC to consider.

Farm Pesticides Linked to Skin Cancer

"Sun exposure has always been considered the driving force behind rising rates of melanoma. But new research suggests that repeated, long-term use of pesticides may be an important factor, too.

The findings add to evidence suggesting that frequent use of pesticides could raise the risk of melanoma. Rates of the disease have tripled in the United States in the last 30 years, with sun exposure identified as the major cause.

The researchers identified six pesticides that, with repeated exposure, doubled the risk of skin cancer among farmers and other workers who applied the chemicals to crops.

Four of the chemicals - maneb, mancozeb, methyl-parathion and carbaryl - are used in the United States on a variety of crops, including nuts, vegetables and fruits."
You can read a fuller article about this new study here. Please note that this research was published in the Scientific American journal a highly regarded, peer reviewed scientific publication. Also, please note that mancozeb is the active ingredient in Micexanil 76WP which you'll find listed on the spray schedule the school provided following the 27 May meeting.

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