Thursday, June 10, 2010

My opinion about Chameleons Montessori's recent behaviour - Jo Hallam


I just wanted to say how sad this whole situation has made me.

We were very happy and supportive of Chameleons and had made many friendships that I thought would last for many years. We thought that if we raised concerns about the spraying, we would be, as part of our happy little community, taken seriously and listened to. When we offered important research, that took Ford hours to collect, we were told by the appointed member of the Business Steering Committee to keep quiet as "the women won't understand the science and get all panicky!" and that coming from a person who believes that frogs in a pond is proof that our children are not at risk. BTW has anyone actually taken a close look at the pond and had research done on the frogs to determine if there are any "problems" with them. No! Just because they hop around doesn't mean they are ok!

Thankfully, I still have some friends and other parents who believe in what we are doing. We started this blog with their blessing and support and get phone calls daily offering support and thanks. This blog is not a forum and I find it bizarre that other people seem to think they have the right to offer what they call is a balanced opinion, when all they are really doing is attacking Ford's character. A blog is a diary, if you feel that bothered by this one, start your own!

At this point, I want to say how proud I am of my husband for taking a stand in all this and spending hours of his own time trying to do some good. Some may have the odd notion that he is only out to attack and ruin Chameleons reputation, that is totally incorrect. If, when he started the research (all of which he has posted as proof of his opinion on this very blog, if you care to read it!), he had found no worrying reports or studies, he would not have felt the need to raise the issue with the school. However, he DID find numerous horrific statistics and test results that, to be frank, made me cry and made me feel very ashamed that I had not realised earlier and had already exposed my child to the dangers of pesticides.

When Ford suggested to Emma that there was a VERY REAl risk and as such we would be removing Joel from the school, she acted very worried and surprised and asked Ford if he thought they should move the school. He said that is exactly what they should do and have our full support. He also said that he had asked Dave a few times to get the parents together to inform everyone as to the risks. I have already told you what Dave's response was! Emma decided (thankfully) to call a meeting and asked Ford if he would tell the parents about the research he had found. Great! we thought. At the meeting, I was deeply saddened when Emma spent about 20 minutes giving a time line and Bernard was given about 30 mins to talk about the chemicals from his perspective. Ford was given no opportunity to give in any detail the information he had prepared. He was only able to quote a few concerns from a paper Prof. London had written and then quite abruptly asked "well, what is your answer!"

You wonder why he started this blog? So he could supply all the evidence that the school seems to not want to hear! for those who do care about their children's health!!

Let me ask you this. If you saw a child being abused, day in day out, would you stand by and allow that parent to get away with it? No, I'm sure you would not and would want some authority to intervene for the safety of that child. This is how I see the situation at Chameleons. With all the evidence I have read and from what Prof. London ( the only expert opinion the school has sought) has clearly said, I feel this amounts to child abuse. These children are innocent and fully exposed because a few people refuse to see the dangers, for reasons I cannot understand. I won't go into the science as I would only be duplicating what Ford has extensively said in this blog.

In my opinion, no school should be on a working farm. I am not attacking the school, just the reasoning behind their inability to actually see this as a health risk. It is not enough to say we don't see it as a problem so you just take your child and leave us in peace to poison our children. Who will speak for the innocent?

Thank you Ford

From your very proud wife.


  1. Well said Chameleons!

    WE'll await the final outcome from the independent investigations being conducted by the school’s Environmental Health Committee - an investigation that remains unbiased and is not frought with emotion and hidden agenda's!

    We will not jump to conclusions based on the rants of a small minority who have a pc and and a search engine then try to show themselves off as professionals.

    Chameleons, you have our full and ongoing support!

  2. And you are? Have the courage to name yourself!
